The Moral Guidance Visits the Heroes of the National Army in Sarawah

SeptemberNet- As part of its field visits to the fighting fronts in various axes, the Moral Guidance Service team met with heroes of the National Army on the front fronts of the Sarwah district in western Marib province.
The visits included several sites where the National Army heroes were stationed to check on the conditions of the fighters, to inspect their positions closely and to give awareness lectures to the soldiers.
Colonel Mohammed Al-Oqbi stressed during his meetings on the role of the national army and the popular resistance in curbing the rebel militia that turned on the state institutions and destroyed the national economy through its ugly acts that are outside the law and traditions. .
He praised the heroic role played by soldiers of the national army and popular resistance in the fronts fighting, assured the restoration of all state institutions from the militia.
Al-Oqbi thanked the soldiers in the field for their high spirit and the willingness to sacrifice for the sake of God and the homeland.
For their part, the soldiers of the national army stationed in the fronts of Sarwah expressed their gratitude for this field visit.
The soldiers stressed their readiness to do good in order to rid the militia of whatever the cost of sacrifices. They also stressed that the militia had messed everything up, and led the country into a tragic situation. They trust that victory is near.
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