Taiz . . coup militias attack wedding procession, woman killed, five deadly inured.

Local Report 0

September Net.

A woman was killed and five others seriously wounded on Friday night when Houthi-Saleh coup militias opened gun machines fire on a wedding procession in the north of Taiz City.

Eyewitnesses told September Net that the militia elements ,stationed in Shara’ab Junction northern the ctiy ,fired live bullets on one of the convoy’s cars loaded with women after they passed the checkpoint, killing a young woman and five others sustained critical injuries.

The sources added the killed young girl Hajer Abdu Saed, who has been married only for two weeks, was with her sister- the bride – and family member escorting their bride to her husband’s house in Shameer area of Maqbanah Directorate.

This massacre coincided with continued artillery shelling Houthi-Saleh militants waged on the eastern residential populated neighborhoods of Taiz city, which left serious destruction on the civilians’ belongings.



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