Chief of Staff lays wreath on the martyr Ali Abduallmoghni memorial

Local 0

September Net.

Chief of Staff Maj.Gen Taher al-Aqeeli has laid a wreath on the memorial of the martyr Ali Abdu-allmoghni in al-Jwfaina district, Marib province.

General Taher al-Aqeeli accompanied with army’s officers visited the memorial in parallel with celebrating 55th anniversary of the 26th September Revolution.

He also emphasized that “today, we are rebuilding the armed forces on basis that come in line with objectives of 26 September and 14 October Revolutions.

General Taher al-Aqeeli pointed out that the National Army is fighting to restore the state and republic with support of youth who sacrifices their lives for defeating new backward Imamites.


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