Three senior leaders belonging to Houthi militias killed in Al-Jawf

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Three field leaders belonging to the putschists Houthi militia were killed by the National Army troops, northern al-Motoon in Al-Jawf province, north-eastern the country.

The insurgent militia leaders were killed a long with a number of their escorts during the battles that took place in Mazweyah front north of Motoon over Sunday night, SeptemberNet correspondent quoted a field source as said.

The killed Houthi leaders are “Jahwan Al Sharief”, “Ibn Alsheibah Al Shareif”, and Saleh Al Khalqah, according to the source.

Coincidently, the army forces have made significant military advancements in Khab Alsha’af during the conducted wide-scale military operation aiming to retake complete control over the entire district from the coup militias.

The Houthi militias have been inflicting majore losses in human and materials, as well setbacks in their ranks in scattered warfronts, last of which was yesterday as more than 59 of its elements were captured by the army and 25 others were killed.

In the same context, the Demining Teams of the national army forces in the same district have been continuing the removal of landmines and IEds planted randomly by the Houthi militias to ensure safe access for families to return to their houses in Yatamah, which was fully liberated and controlled by the army yesterday.



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