Army removes 400 mines and explosives devices in Saada

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Army engineers have extracted hundreds of landmines and improvised explosive devices planted Houthi rebels in the district of Baqim, north of Saada province.

Brigadier General Aziz Al-Khattabi, commander of the 3rd Border Guards Brigade, told “September Net” that the army’s demining teams have managed to remove 400 landmines and improvised explosive devices planted by the Houthi rebel militia in a number of villages and farms of Baqim district.

He said the Houthi militias plant mines and explosives in residential neighborhoods and public roads, without any care for civilians’ lives.

It’s very important to note that the Iranian-backed Houthi militias have planted tens of thousands of landmines and improvised explosive devices that have so far killed and maimed hundreds of civilian people across the country.

R. A


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