Interior Ministry suspends operations in Aden

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September Net

Yemen’s Ministry of Interior announced Saturday it had suspended its operations in the ministry and the Departments of Migration and Passports and Civil Status in the interim capital Aden, starting from Saturday 17 August until further notice.

The Ministry said in a statement “the suspension followed the armed rebellion staged by the militia of the so-called Southern Transitional Council against the internationally recognized government and official state institutions” in Aden last Sunday.

The statement added that the Ministry of Interior-while it expresses its deep regret on the implications of taking this decision- the decision has been issued for meeting conditions and constitutional and legal duties serving social and people interests.

“All measures and actions taken after the date and time of this announcement are illegal and invalid and violators will be held accountable,” the statement reads.

The Ministry called on all officers, non-commissioned individuals and all the ministry affiliates to stand together to confront the armed coup against the legitimate government in compliance with the call of duty and fulfillment of the national oath.

“The Ministry will announce resumption of its work in its office in the interim capital Aden when state institutions and its camps are restored,” the statement added.


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