Al-Ashabi, Pakistani official discuss UAE aggression against Yemeni army

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September Net

Yemen’s Ambassador to Pakistan Mohammad al-Ashabi discussed Tuesday with Pakistani Deputy Foreign Minister Mohammad Nadim Khan latest developments in Yemen and government’s efforts for ending rebellion of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC).

The two parties also discussed Emirati coward air raids against the national army in Aden and Abyan while securing Yemeni territories and crimes committed by the STC against civilians and military and security personnel.

The Pakistani official confirmed his country’s support to Yemen, its unity, security and sovereignty, as well as support to the internationally recognized government.

Al-Ashabi also met with Director of the International Organization for Islamic Cooperation at the Pakistani Ministry of Foreign Affairs Tariq Karim discussing cooperation between Yemen and the organization.

The ambassador acquainted Karim with developments over STC’s rebellion against the government.




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