Yemen finalizes measures for joining UNESCO Convention on culture

Culture 0

September Net

Yemen has finalized measures for joining and signing all attachments of UNESCO 1970 Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transport of Ownership of Cultural Property.

“In accordance with the convention, Yemen will be a member from this month and will be able to talk with different countries on regaining Yemen’s looted cultural properties within specific conditions included in the convention,” said Minister of Culture Marwan Dammaj.

On March 2019, President of the Republic approved signature made by former ambassador of Yemen to UNESCO of all attachments of the convention.

Before signing, Yemen has not been able to communicate with countries on looted antiquities and communications were complicated, he said.

The culture ministry, in cooperation with Yemen’s embassy in Washington, seeks to get notification from US Treasury Department on banning buying and selling Yemeni cultural properties.


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