Seminar in Marib on Yemen between “Houthi & STC coups”

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September Net

The National Campaign for Regaining the State- in cooperation with the Political Forum for Political Development- organized Saturday a symposium entitled ” Yemen between two coups; the unity of goal and track.”

Three works papers were discussed in the symposium; the first one by Sana’a University’s Professor Abdulkhaliq al-Samda on conformity of adjectives, ends, practices and means between Houthi rebel militia in Sana’a and the UAE- backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) in Aden.

The most prominent conformity is that the two parties serve the Iranian agenda for expanding its influence in the region.

The second paper presented by researcher Khaled al-Subaihin on aftermaths of Houthi and STC’s coups against the state, the society and economy.

The third paper was presented by Human Rights Activist Hussein Assoufi on the integration of struggle against the imamate and the occupation of Yemen for long times and both exchanged services and benefits against the people’s will and aspirations.

The symposium confirmed that Yemeni people has become aware of challenges and dangers threatening the homeland.

The symposium confirmed also that Yemeni people will never accept the clerical imamate rule and the new occupation and its tools.


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