MASAM close to removing 100k Houthi landmines in Yemen

September Net
The Saudi project for landmines clearance in Yemen MASAM is getting close to removing 100,000 landmines in its second year of operations in five Yemeni provinces, Asharq Al-Awsat reported
Specialized MASAM teams announced Tuesday removing 245 landmines and explosive devices in Aden province in addition to 3,000 landmines in Mocha on Wednesday.
The teams pointed out that Tuesday’s operation in Aden’s Al Buraiqeh brought the total number of removed landmines, explosive devices and unexploded ordnance on the west coast to 37,370.
MASAM announced the removal of 3,000 landmines, explosive devices and unexploded ordnance in Mocha. Wednesday’s move was the third in October and the sixth since launching the project in June last year.
The demining included 2,500 anti-tank landmines, 450 unexploded ordnance and 50 explosive devices.
Aref al-Qahtani, leader of team 22 on the west coast, said that the removed landmines were in Al Waziiyah, Mawza and Yakhtul.
All these mines were randomly planted by Iran-backed Houthi militia in populated areas, main roads and farms.
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