New positions liberated in Sa’ada & militia inflicted heavy losses

September Net
The national army troops on Monday succeeded to liberate new positions in Baqim district, north of Saada province, north of Yemen, following fierce clashes in which some of the Houthi rebel militia elements were killed and wounded.
The national army troops liberated a number of hills and sites east of Al-Wawa mountian towards Al-Safra’a district, and other sites east of Al-Mizher village towards Al-Rizamat road, following a surprise attack by the army on concentrated Houthi militia positions.
Backing by Coalition helicopters and artillery in the attack, the national army shelled rebel militia positions and reinforcements in the area.
The attack resulted in the killing of a number of the militia elements, including the ground leader so-called Abu Mohammed Al-Ghouli, and wounded others, as well as destroying a number of combat vehicles.
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