Taiz will defeat plots

September Net
Whatever the conspiracies, the province of Taiz will not be defeated, as long as Taizi people carry the grand national project, the federal civil state project.
The Taizi people are higher than those plots. They are able to bypass the slide of differences and bloody conflict, and the dangerous slider that targets Taiz.
That slider is finally doomed to failure, despite trying to drag everyone into the assassination squad of the leaders of the national project facing the Houthi rebel coup militia.
The history of the struggle of Taiz and Taizi people with all their political, military and social components is well known
Taiz has made great sacrifices to achieve the national project of a federal state, as stated in the National Dialogue Conference.
Today the Taizi people along with the state leadership represented by the President of the Republic, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, and the leaders of the National Army, and all the free, are working to build the foundation of this state, the dream of Yemenis for decades.
The assassination of Brig. Adnan Al-Hammadi, who considered one of the most prominent leaders of the national army, is a failed attempt for those who want to impose the bloody conflict on Taiz.
Those who seek to drag Taiz into chaos should review their wrong calculations before Taiz gets up, and the blow will be painful.
It is the beautiful Taiz, loved by all Yemenis and may not be tampered with.
The Editorial
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