On the anniversary of re-founding, Yemen’s armed forces.. five years of victories and achievements

September Net
Yemen is celebrating the fifth anniversary of the reconstitution of Yemen’s armed forces and the rebuilding of the military establishment with the aim of restoring the Yemeni state from the grip of the Iran-backed Houthi rebel coup.
On this occasion, we recall the great achievements and sacrifices made by Yemeni Armed Forces Foundation in a dedicated effort to rid Yemenis of the Houthi coup.
Since the founding, Yemen’s armed forces have now been a pride for all Yemenis and an essential link to national unity, as a result of the great advances it has made in restoring most parts of the country from the Houthi militia.
With the fifth anniversary of the founding Yemen’s armed forces, Yemenis proudly remember the great sacrifices made by the founders, and army’s great leaders in order to build a strong national army with a pure Yemeni faith and identity that depends on the liberation of Yemen from the descendants of the Imamate.
“We have come a long way in rebuilding Yemen’s armed forces, preparing specialized units, rebuilding the institutions, bodies and departments of the Ministry of Defense, and providing leadership opportunities for all the nation,” said Defense Minister Lt. Gen. Mohammed al-Maqdashi in a series of tweets posted on his Twitter account.
Defense Minister continues, “I and a number of officers who formed the first nucleus of the army in the 23rd Brigade in Al-Abar area, Hadramaut province, sense the national responsibility towards the defense and security institution of the country, as we saw it falling apart as a result of the Houthi coup.”
In June 2015, several army officers in Al-Abar area, Hadramaut province, announced the formation of the first nucleus of the Yemen’s armed forces with the aim of restoring the republic and cutting Iran, which is seeking to destroy Yemen through its Houthi tools.
“The Yemeni leadership has engaged in two simultaneous battles: one in the face of the Houthi coup in various fronts, and another in the efforts to rebuild the nation’s defense institution on the right and scientific national foundations, away from favoritism and regionalism,” said Defense Minister Lt. Gen. Mohammed Al-Maqdashi.
“We are seeking to rebuild the Yemen’s armed forces in record time after the rebels took control of the nation’s capabilities, including those of the armed forces,” Al-Maqdashi said in an article published in the U.S. Army Journal.
During a very short period of re-establishing, the Yemen’s armed forces were able to face the Houthi rebel militia, and achieved great victories over the militias of evil and aggression.
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