Houthi militia turns summer centers into child recruitment camps

September Net
From the Iran mullahs’ regime, the Houthi militia was inspired by the idea of recruiting children, when the mullah used children as fuel for his wars and attracted terrorist organizations to become tools to kill and threaten international peace and security.
With a severe shortage of elements on the front lines, the Houthi militia in Sana’a sent some of its elements to schools to bring young children to the front lines. The militia also turned school activities to serve attraction and recruitment.
When this was not led to a positive result, the Houthi militia over the past two years sabotaged the education system in its areas of control and avoid doing from paying teachers’ salaries, prompting children to leave school, and easing the process of attracting them to fight.
Over the past year, the Houthi militia has organized sectarian and intellectual courses by establishing more than 3,000 summer centers in Sana’a and various areas of control, with the purpose of attracting and recruiting children, and pushing them to the front lines.
Sources in Sana’a explained that the militia has made mosques places to gather children and young people, in addition to holding its sectarian courses and teaching the books of the founder of the Houthi movement Hussein al-Houthi.
A Yemeni organization that defends children’s rights, (Siaj), reported that children make up about 50% of Houthi fighters during their wars since 2004.
Many of the children recruited into the Houthi militia are ending up with pictures hanging on the walls after the militia brings them to their parents dead in boxes.
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