Government condemns Houthi brutality of burning prisoner alive to death in Al-Bayda

Local Report 0

September Net

Yemen’s Information Minister condemned on Monday the Houthis for torturing and mutilating a pro-government captive to death.

In a statement to Yemeni News Agency “Saba”, Muammar al-Eryani said the theocratic militia executed Abdulhafedh al-Taheri “after they savagely tortured him cutting his tongue, ears and nose; poking his eyes; and burning his body.”

The man was arrested in clashes between the government and the militia in the central Yemen province of Al-Bayda last June.

“This despicable crime shocked the Yemenis. It shows the barbarism of Houthis … and plays out the handiwork of Al-Qaeda and ISIL.”

Al-Eryani called on the UN and its Special Envoy in Yemen “to depart from the state of silence into speaking up and condemning Houthi atrocities.”


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