SAM Organization : Houthi militias continue committing war crimes against civilians of Al-Zouab village in Al-Byada

September Net
In a statement Tuesday, the Organization revealed that the Houthi militia keep lunching indiscriminate shelling on the populated areas, using heavy weapons, mortar Katyusha rockets, and tanks.
The militia’s shelling resulted in Killing and injuring many civilians, including children and women, and forcing others to leave their homes.
The organization documented hundreds of massive violations committed by Houthi militia’s against civilians in the village of Al-Zouab, in Qaifah district during the past years, varied between killings, arbitrary detention, abductions, bombing and targeting homes, burning and destroying drinking water wells, health and educational facilities, a fuel station, targeting places of worship, and damaging and looting private and public objects, displacement of hundreds of families and complete disruption of life.
The organization documented, also the killing of more than (40) civilians, including women and children, and the wounding of at least (60), including women and children, some of whom are still suffering from injury due to the lack of health care, and the detention of more than (150) civilians, including (48) African migrant workers working on Qat farms, in the village.
Houthi militia’s also, blew up (8) houses completely (2) of them during its recent military campaign, and burned (22) houses, while the shells that it fired caused partial destruction of (200) houses and caused damages on other houses.
The attacks also targeted (3) educational facilities, one of which was completely destroyed, depriving more than (600) students of their right to education.
The continued bombardment has exacerbated the humanitarian situation in the village and pushed more than 450 families during the previous wars to move to neighboring villages, including of Al-Ajmah, Al-Nazim and Baqarat villages, while others fled to the city of Rada’a to escape the siege and bombardment. The organization documented abortion of two pregnant women due to the targeting of their homes with Katyusha rockets, artillery shells and tanks, and the death of a fetus at a checkpoint, after the militants prevented a civilian from taking his pregnant wife to hospital, who was about to deliver, several days ago.
Tawfiq Al-Humeidi, Head of SAM Organization, said: “The Houthis group intends to destroy all basic services necessary for survival, in retaliation and punishment against civilians, as the organization documented the destruction of (7) drinking water wells, burning of a fuel station and an oil tanker, and (11) houses were completely looted and (3) shops and (6) cars were damaged, (37) cars and tankers were looted, the occupation and looting of a private hospital, targeting of communication networks, power grids, and drinking water tanks on the roofs of houses, and the destruction and looting of Qat farms and the disruption of work in them, some of which are still damaged and incurred losses estimated at hundreds of millions, all belong to the villagers in Al-Zouab.
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