34 people killed, injured by Houthi militia mines last November

September Net
At least 30 people, including women and children, were killed and injured in a number of Yemeni provinces in last November.
According to the Yemeni Mine Observatory, mines planted by Houthi militia killed 18 people and injured 16 others in Hodeidah, al-Jawf, Al-Bayda, Sana’a and Taiz.
Hodeidah topped the list of victims with nine civilian deaths, including a woman and a child, while four people were killed, one of them a woman in Al-Jawf.
As stated by YMO, four civilians were killed in Al-Byda, including an Ethiopian immigrant, and one were killed, east of the capital Sanaa. In addition to nine were injured in Hodeidah, five in Al-Jawf and one in Taiz province.
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