Houthi militia arrested and abused 1181 women in three years: Rights orgs
September Net
The Houthi militia arrested and abused 1181 women in three years, rights groups said.
The Alliance of Women for Peace, the 8 March Bloc for Yemen’s Women, and the Yemeni Organization for Combating Human Trafficking released on Saturday a joint report on the terrorist theocratic militia’s abuses of women in the period from December 2017 to December 2020.
The organizations documented “274 forced disappearances, arrests of 292 female rights activists, and 71 rapes in jails.” The report said dozens of women were detained along with their young children.” The report said the detainees included eight followers of the Bahai religion and 293 girls below the age of 18.
The detainees came under various horrific abuses including killing, disfiguring, raping, waterboarding, slapping, electrocution, strangling, and constant abuses that force them to opt for committing suicide, to name just a few.
The team who prepared the report had gathered the information from survivors of Houthi jails and relatives of the victims, and through other methods.
Female Houthi extremist battalions including the Zaynabiyat were used to arrest the victims.
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