Yemeni government calls on IC to mount pressure on Houthi militias to open Taiz routes

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September Net

The government’s negotiator team about opening the roads called today on the International Community, Ambassadors of the EU and US envoy to ramp up pressures upon the putschit Houthi militias to open the main roads to the city of Taiz and other Yemeni governorates and to put the UN envoy’s proposal in this regard in place, make it a reality on the ground.

In a press release learned by the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) the negotiating team praised the intensive efforts made by the UN’s envoy Hans Grundberg and his team who presented a proposal to open 5 roads in Taiz governorate and some governorates among them main highway. The press release explained that ” represents the minimum of Taiz governorate population’s demands, provided that the opening of the remaining roads shall be scheduled in the coming months”.

The government’s team stated that” Following more than two weeks of the negotiations in the Jordanian capital about the opening of Taiz governorate’s roads in accordance with the UN-truce’s provisions, the Houthis have insisted on suggesting the idea of opening secondary passageways don’t achieve the goal of lifting the blockade and alleviate the peoples’ suffering”.

The team added” The other party ” Houthis” initiated to act unilaterally with the aim of imposing fait accompli, by opening secondary routes have never been agreed on and out of the negotiations, as a result the negotiations have ceased at this point”.

The team called on the UN’s envoy and his team to press for opening the main roads, not allow the militiamen to keep on maneuvering, consuming the second truce’s time without opening the key passageways to Taiz and other governorates.


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