Yemen calls on international community to help it managing natural disasters’ risks

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September Net

The Republic of Yemen called on the international community to fill the financial gap to cover the UN’s Plan to avert Safer Oil Tanker looming environmental disaster in the Red Sea.

This is came in the Republic of Yemen’s statement delivered today, Wednesday, by Yemen’s Permanent Representative to the UN Ambassador Abdullah Assa’id at the general session of the UN’s General Assembly about reviewing the mid of the Framework of Sunday to reduce the natural disasters’ risks.

Assa’id provided a detailed presentation about the natural disasters Yemen has suffered over the recent years, citing the difficult circumstances the country has been struggling with due to the war triggered by the Terrorist Houthi militias.

He noted that as a result of the war which has continued for more than 8 years in Yemen the Yemeni institutions charged with environmental disasters have been unable to cope with serious impacts of the natural disasters.

” The Yemeni government has been forced to devote all available resources to manage the humanitarian challenges instead of developing necessary infrastructure to deal with the natural disasters therefore the country is highly vulnerable to the natural disasters’ risks”, said Assa’idi.


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