‘Houthi rebels had been using military calm to prepare for this new escalation’

September Net
Yemen’s Information Minister said the Houthi militia had been using the relative military calm in the aftermath of the December 2018 Stockholm Agreement to prepare for this new escalation they resumed days ago on different warfronts.
Muammar al-Eryani pointed out “They exploited the period after the agreement to replenish their manpower deficiencies, re-organize and prepare for this new escalation.”
This escalation “undermines all political efforts to resolve the Yemeni crisis,” he said, calling on the international community and the UN peace mediator to Yemen Martin Griffiths to realize that ” the Yemeni government’s patience won’t last long.”
“The escalation comes as a result of the lack of serious international action towards the Houthi crimes and terrorist acts,” he said.
As of last week, the Iran-backed theocratic extremists stepped up their attacks against army forces and oppositionist civilians in different warfronts including Nehm and Hodeidah in Yemen’s east and west respectively.
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