Houthi militias kidnapped 6 citizens in Sana’a

Local Report 0

September Net

Houthi coup militias kidnapped six citizens on Friday from the district of Ma’ein central the capital Sana’a.

A local source of September Net said that the Houthi militias kidnapped the six citizens for their consanguinity to the member of the Economic Affairs Committee Fares al-Jaudobi, and Brigadier Jamil al-Jaudobi, loyal to the legitimate government.

The kidnapped citizens, hail from the sub-district of al-Ja’adeb in the west of Sana’a, are:

Abdullah Ahsan al-Jaudobi

Mohammed Saleh Ahsan al-Jaudobi

Khaled Saleh Ahsan al-Jaudobi

Jamal Jameel Saleh Ahsan al-Jaudobi

Jihad Jameel Saleh Ahsan al-Jaudobi

Mohammed Jameel Saleh Ahsan al-Jaudobi


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