Military Court In Marib starts trial of 175 Houthi militia leaders


September Net

Military Court In Marib held Tuesday the 1st session of the trial of 175 Houthi militia leaders involving in the Houthi coup against the constitutional institutions and serious criminal case No. 4 of the year 2020.

The session headed by Judge Aqeel Taj al-Din considered those accused persons as fleeing from Justice, and they shall be tried for their involve in establishing illegal entity and illegal relationship with a foreign country and destabilizing situations in the Republic of Yemen in all sides including economic, political, social and diplomatic sides.

The list included key military and political leaders from the militia’s 1st and 2nd ranks. The prosecution charged top seventy-one of Houthi leaders of participating in the establishment of an armed terrorist organization called “Ansar Allah” headed by the first accused leader and under the supervision of the second along with military leaders from the Lebanese Hezbollah, and Iranian Revolutionary Guard.

The prosecution said that the accused 72  have participated with their followers in promoting extremist takfirist ideas that contradict the provisions of the Holy Quran, Prophetic Sunnah and constitutions and laws, as well as they participated in resisting public authorities, assaulting the armed and security forces, killing some of military leaders, and looting heavy, medium, and light weapons.

The prosecution pointed in its accusation that the above-mentioned had cooperated with a foreign country, endangered the national security of Yemen to danger, and worked to clear the Arab national identity and the cultural dimension of Yemen.

It also said that the accused leaders sought to undermine national unity to dismantle the geography of the internationally recognized Republic of Yemen and divide the land and the people on the basis of regional, sectarian, racial, and ethnic lines.

It added that all the accused  participated in the coup against the republican system and its constitutional powers by force of arms and violence, and worked to place the President of the Republic, the supreme commander of the armed forces, under house arrest, and then attempting to kill him, by aerial bombardment of Al-Maasheq Palace in Aden.

The accusation indicated that the accused militia leaders had harmed the national economy and seized the state’s resources, then they were from the first to the 175 attacking the governorates, besieging some of them and seizing the state’s institutions, and also had killed and wounded thousands of Yemenis, including civilians, military men, women, and children.

The prosecution demanded to punish the suspects according to the law, that the movement be classified as terrorist, taking into consideration their trial as runaways from justice.



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