15 Houthi militias killed in Baqim

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A total of 15 Houthi rebels were killed and others injured on Wednesday in an ambush in Baqim district, in the north of Saada province.

The army forces trapped a number of militia elements as they tried to sneak into the army-controlled sites in Baqim, Chief of operation of 102nd Special Forces brigade told September Net.

Colonel Kana’an Al-Ahsab added that “the army launched a sudden attack on the trapped militias from different sides, killing 15 of its elements, among them leaders, and injuring many others, while the rest were forced to flee.”

Meanwhile, the fighter jets of the Arab coalition bombarded the reinforcements of the Houthi rebels while on the way to the warfront to back its militias.

The jets destroyed 5 combat vehicles, and killed or injured all rebels abroad them, according to a source in the field.

R. A


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