Dep. Premier meets with EU Delegation to Yemen

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September Net

Deputy Prime Minister Dr Salim Al-Khanbashi met Wednesday in temporary capital Aden, with the European Union (EU) Delegation headed by Antonia Calvo-Puerta, Head of the EU Mission to Yemen.

The delegation included French Ambassador to Yemen Christian Testu, Deputy Ambassador of Germany, Deputy Ambassador of the Netherlands.

The meeting devoted to discuss wide range of significant political, economic, security, development and humanitarian issues.

Latest developments about underway UN-led peace efforts to implement Stockholm’s Agreement were also touched upon.

Dr Al-Khanbashi detailed the EU Delegation about challenges facing the government in different fields and the government’s efforts and action-plans to manage the economic hardships, reinstate basic services and normalize situations. ” We’re facing economic war launched by the Houthi rebel militia, struggling with staggering economic losses estimated at above $100 billion”, said Al-Khanbshi.

The Deputy Minister of Interior Maj. General Ali Nasher Lakhsha’ briefed the Delegation on the Interior Ministry’s efforts aiming to re-establish security in the government-held provinces and regions.

Calvo-Puerta and Testu expressed pleasure to visit the temporary capital Aden with aim of showing support for the legitimate government and get firsthand information about the situations in the country.


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