Session raises awareness on NDC outcomes in Aden, Hadhramout

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September  Net

The Ministry of State for Implementing the outcomes of the National Dialogue Conference (NDC)of 2013-2014 organized sessions for raising awareness about the outcomes in the temporary capital Aden and the provincial capital of Hadhramout province on Monday.

The session in Aden, held in coordination with the Yemen Women Union educated 29 people from Aden on the specific status granted to their city in the NDC document and the constitution drafted during the NDC.

In a keynote speech, Minister Yaser al-Roayni said Aden is to be an economic hub in the Yemeni federal state with rights to enacting its own laws and regulations.

The session in Mukalla raised the awareness of 21 local university students on how the NDC addressed the Southern Yemen Cause as one of the drivers of conflict in that national conversion.


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