Coalition air strikes target Houthi militia in Hajjah


September Net

Arab coalition jets killed and wounded a number of Houthi militiamen on Friday in the northern Yemen province of Hajjah.

The air raids hit the rebel militia as they are imposing a siege on civilians in Hajoor and Kashar districts of Hajja.

The raids destroyed several  military vehicles belonging the militia.

The coalition aircraft also bombarded in past few days reinforcements and crowds for the militia in the same area.

Besides blockade, the Houthi rebels continue to bomb the residential villages in Hajoor and amass more fighters around the area.

Fierce fighting have been also  taking place as the tribes thwarted several attacks by the putschist militiamen, according to local sources.

Tens Houthi rebels were killed and wounded and many of combat machines were destroyed in battles and raids, the sources added


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