(WFP) provides relief supplies to Houthi militia fronts

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September Net

Many Yemenis wonder why the scale of the humanitarian tragedy and the scale of those in need have increased as a result of the war has widened, although the capacity of humanitarian assistance by international donors through the UN has doubled to Yemen.

Each year, donors allocate more funds for the humanitarian response, aimed at the distribution of food, health nutrition, improved livelihoods, education, health, water, public protection, child protection, shelter for displaced persons, etc.

Nevertheless, poverty, need, hunger, the breakdown of services and the rise of humanitarian needs are increasing.

Five years later, it is no longer a secret that UN in Yemen has used such funds in great vain, putting them at the disposal of the Houthi militia. The Houthi militia uses these funds to finance its war against Yemenis and to deal with organizations and personalities that help give these funds and assistance to the militia.

The World Food Programme (WFP) after exposing organized corruption among its employees tried to contain the situation with statements by the executive director of the program accusing the Houthis of stealing food from the mouths of the hungry, manipulating relief quantities and names threatening to cut off aid in areas controlled by the militia.

With these statements, the programme manager was able to calm the situation and deflect accusations from the World Food Programme.

A new phase of corruption has begun with cash donors, which is the most suitable system for militia and provides it with the sale of relief for money, because it will get the money directly.

In order to put the touches to camouflage the game, the UN envoy began a sitcom at a Security Council session, where he began by talking about the Houthi militia rejecting the cash and fingerprint system.

The handling of the (WFP) and UN offices at all levels has become known and exposed.

Therefore, urgent involvement is required by the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation to take action and to press for the relocation of the organizations’ headquarters to the capital, Aden, and to address donors in this regard.


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