Separatists escalation amounts to full-blown coup, says Yemen minister

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September Net

Yemen’s Information Minister said the escalation by the country’s separatists known as the “Southern Transitional Council” amounts to a “full-blown coup.”

Muammar al-Eryani said the “continuous escalation by the STC to the extent of declaring ‘self-rule’ amounts to a full-blown coup against the state, the Riyadh Agreement and the UN resolutions concerning the Yemeni crisis.”

The Yemeni government has offered “concessions after concessions to the STC until the Riyadh Agreement was signed” but the STC reacted to them “with disdain perceiving them as a sign of weakness” on the government’s part.

Al-Eryani said the escalation was a treacherous stab to the government in the interest of the Houthi militia. “But the government’s commitment to the Riyadh Agreement won’t prevent it to performing its national and historical responsibility of protecting the nation’s security and territorial integrity.”


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