Iranian experts manage Houthi missile force while missiles fired at Marib Iranian-made, investigations say


September Net

The terrorist cell arrested in Marib city has admitted to having direct links with the Iran-backed Houthi rebel militia and involvement in terrorist crimes.

Targeting the homes of citizens and densely populated neighborhoods with ballistic missiles and Katyusha rockets are from the crimes of this terrorist cell in Marib province, north-eastern Yemen.

The confessions of a member of the terrorist cell confirmed his connection to the Houthi leader Abdulhakim Al-Khaiwani, who is listed as a terrorist leader.

From a house in the capital Sana’a, with the help and supervision of Iranian experts who manage the militia’s missile force, Al-Khaiwani runs the so-called Security and Intelligence Service of the Iran-backed Houthi rebel militia, carrying out terrorist crimes.

The confessions of the member of the terrorist cell also confirmed that he had received detailed instructions on the mechanism of action from Iranian experts.

He was then equipped with Iranian-made software, equipment and techniques, to monitor information and maps.

Moreover, the confessions confirmed that the Houthi terrorist cell sent information about the activities and meetings of army leaders, and the dates of national celebrations in Marib city.

The Houthi terrorist militia has stepped up targeting Marib city with Iranian-made missiles and bomb-laden drones, killing thousands of civilians in the latest months.

The commission of inquiry confirmed the discovery of evidence that the Houthi terrorist militia with direct support from Iran was involved in targeting civilians with Iranian-made missiles and bomb-laden drones.


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