Houthi militias undermined all peace rounds, says info minister

Local Report 0

September Net

Minister of Information Muammar al-Eryani said the Houthi militias have undermined all UN-sponsored peace (talks) rounds starting from the Geneva talks in 2015 through the Kuwait consultations in 2016 to the Stockholm Agreement in late 2018.

In a meeting with a number of Jordanian MPs and journalists in Amman on Saturday, al-Eryani said the rebel militias have been avoiding the implementation of the Agreement for three months as the international community failed to pressure the militia to take one step forward in the track of peace.

He cited the militias’ barbaric campaign against civilians in Hajoor tribal region in the northern Yemen province of Hajjah.

He said the campaign amounted to genocides as all kinds of heavy arms including ballistic missiles were used by the Houthis against the tribesmen.


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