Houthi militia commits 28,000 violations against Educational Sector in Sana’a, Report says

September Net
Human Rights Office in the Capital Sana’a said that the Houthi militia committed 28000 violations against educational institutions from October 2018 till October 2019.
The violations varied between killings, sexual assaults, kidnappings, and forced recruitment of children.
The report was issued in conjunction with “World Teacher’s Day” Entitled “Towards Oblivion,” referred that the education in Houthi-run areas is being dealt a travesty as violence, weapons, and a culture of death spreads among young students. This is also aggravated by the Houthi indiscriminate firing of staffers at schools.
It documented 21 cases of extrajudicial killings, 5 cases of killings under torture, 297 cases of physical assault and threats, and 10 political death sentences against school heads, teachers and students.
The militia stormed 157 educational facilities as well as 396 cases of child recruitment, 3277 cases of looting of salaries and relief assistance, 8929 cases of unfair dismissals and 65 cases of abusing against peaceful teachers’ protests have been documented.
The report monitored also 568 cases of kidnapping against school heads , teachers and students and 92 cases of enforced disappearance and 122 cases of deadly torture.
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